Yangon is so hot that zookeepers are feeding popsicles to the animals

As Yangon residents sweat through an extraordinarily hot summer, zookeepers have started feeding homemade popsicles to the over-heated animals.

As well as making the fruit-flavored ice snacks, water baths have been put out for inhabitants struggling to cope with temperatures that have topped 40 degrees Celsius in recent days.

Amid searing heat this morning, dozens of monkeys crowded under the shade of a wooden hutch. The zoo’s sole white tiger sat, panting, in a water bath.



According to zookeepers, the behavior is pretty unusual.

“Now, because it’s very hot, they started to spend a long time in the water,” Tin Mon San, senior admin manager at the zoo, told Coconuts Yangon during an interview at his (air-conditioned) office.

Baby monkeys are among the beneficiaries of the flavored popsicles, he said. And these aren’t any old popsicles, he added, with a smile.

“We have to feed them watermelon and apple ice cream – not from outside but made by our staff.”

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